January 8, 2025 School Committee Meetings

January 8, 2025 School Committee Meetings
Posted on 01/06/2025
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Quincy School Committee

Policy Subcommittee

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Coddington Building, School Committee Room 

Mr. Doug Gutro, Chair

Mrs. Tina Cahill & Mrs. Emily Lebo, Subcommittee Members


1. Draft School Committee Policy Revision Mr. Gutro

9.2 School Year/School Calendar

2. Draft 2025-2026 School Year Calendar Mr. Gutro

3. Draft 2025-2026 School Committee Meeting Calendar  Mr. Gutro

Members of the public can access the meeting in person or live on QATV Channel 22 or at qatv.org. The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on Friday, January 10, 2025 on the QPS YouTube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/@QuincyPS.




A meeting of the Policy Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:15 pm in the Coddington Building.  Present were Subcommittee members Mrs. Tina Cahill, Mrs. Emily Lebo, and Mr. Doug Gutro, Policy Subcommittee Chair.  Also present were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Kim Connolly, Ms. Julie Graham, Mr. Michael Marani, Ms. Maura Papile, and Mr. Keith Segalla; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Mr. Gutro reviewed the draft revision of School Committee Policy Section 9.2 School Year/School Calendar incorporating the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) recommended policy with some additional Quincy Public Schools specific language.

Mrs. Cahill made a motion to approve the proposed revision of School Committee Policy Section 9.2 School Year/School Calendar.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Lebo and on a roll call vote of the Subcommittee, the ayes have it, 3-0.

Mr. Gutro reviewed the draft 2025-2026 School Year Calendar.

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the draft 2025-2026 School Year Calendar.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cahill and on a roll call vote of the Subcommittee, the ayes have it, 3-0.

Mr. Gutro reviewed the draft 2025-2026 School Committee Meeting Calendar, noting that the November 12, 2025 meeting will need to be moved to November 19, 2025 due to a conflict with the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) Conference.  Ms. Owens also noted that the January 7, 2026 meeting will be an Organizational Meeting.

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the draft 2025-2026 School Committee Meeting Calendar as amended.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cahill and on a roll call vote of the Subcommittee, the ayes have it, 3-0.

Mrs. Cahill made a motion to adjourn at 6:25 pm, seconded by Mrs. Lebo.  On a voice vote, the ayes have it.



Quincy School Committee

January 8, 2025 at 6:30 pm

I. Call to Order

  • Roll Call
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • In Memoriam

II. Open Forum
An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. Community in this context is defined as a resident of the City of Quincy, a non-resident parent of a student who attends the Quincy Public Schools, or a non-resident employee of the Quincy Public Schools. After providing their name and address, each speaker may present for no more than three minutes. Time may not be exchanged or yielded to others.

Residents or non-community persons may submit written statements (up to 300 words) to the School Committee at [email protected] by 4:00 pm on the day prior to the meeting. Written statements will be posted on the Quincy Public Schools website by noon on the day of the meeting.

III. Superintendent’s Report

  • Student Recognitions:
    • Lions Club Speech Concert
    • Alyssa Hopps, QHS Basketball
  • Seal of Biliteracy Update
  • Quincy College Accelerated Associates Degree Signing
  • Upcoming Quincy Public Schools & City of Quincy Events:
    • Central Middle School Drama Presents: Madagascar, Jr. (January 16-18)
    • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast, January 20
    • Parent Academy: Supporting Literacy Development, January 21
    • Quincy-North Quincy High School Winter Recital, January 22

IV. Old Business

V. New Business

VI. Consent Agenda (ROLL CALL VOTE)

  • A. Meeting Minutes: December 11, 2024 Regular and Executive Session
  • B. Donations:
    • $3,000.00 from the Quincy City Club to support Quincy Public Schools homeless students
    • $10,000.00 from the Randy C. Wolfe Music Trust to benefit the Quincy Public Schools Music department
    • $10,000.00 from Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance for the Quincy School~Community Partnership
    • $1,800.00 from the Butwin Insurance Group for the F.W. Parker Elementary School
    • Student clothing valued at $300.000 from the Monaco Family
  • C. Grants:
    • $25,000.00 from the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education for the Multilingual Newcomer and Homeless Support Grant
  • D. Student Travel Request: Quincy and North Quincy High School HYPERobotics to the FIRST Robotics Competition at the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, March 27 to 31, 2025

VII. Additional Business

VIII. Communications

  • Upcoming School Committee Meetings (6:30 pm at the Coddington Building:
    • Regular Meetings on January 22; February 12; March 12 & 26, 2025.
  • Upcoming Subcommittee Meetings (6:00 pm at the Coddington Building):
    • January 15, 2025: Quarterly Budget & Finance, Special Education, Policy
    • January 29, 2025: Teaching & Learning

IX. Reports of Subcommittees

  • Mr. Gutro to review the November 20, 2024 Policy Subcommittee Meeting

X. Executive Session

  • Contract Negotiations

XI. Adjournment

Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – January 8, 2025


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

A meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the School Committee Room at the Coddington Building.

Superintendent Kevin Mulvey called the roll and present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, School Committee Chair and School Committee Members Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, and School Committee Vice Chair Mrs. Tina Cahill.

Also present were: Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Erin Perkins, Ms. Kim Connolly, Mr. Daniel Cosgrove, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Julie Graham, Mr. Michael Marani, Mr. James Mullaney, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Kimberley Quinn, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Lawrence Taglieri, Ms. Bridget Vaughan; QHS Student Representative Mirudulaa Suginathan Yamini and NQHS Student Representative Amy Tan; Quincy Education Association President Gayle Cavalho; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

School Committee Members Mrs. Kathryn Hubley and Mrs. Emily Lebo were absent.

Superintendent Mulvey recognized the following former Quincy Public Schools staff members who passed away recently: Patricia Butler, a Special Education department secretary for 10 years and Martha Sue Harris, a longtime Quincy College employee who retired as the president of Quincy College and started her educational career as a teacher at Atlantic Middle School for five years.

Mrs. Cahill read the following statement into the record: Pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium. Attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible.


Regular Meeting


Vice-Chair Presiding

Ms. Kim Horrigan, Ms. Judy Brams, Ms. Maggie McKee, Ms. Kim Vu, Mr. Andy Pham, Ms. Truc Lai, Ms. Mary Jo Baryza, Ms. Teresa Rodriguez all spoke in support of Quincy Public Schools adding Lunar New Year as an observed holiday.

Letters were submitted online for Open Forum from Ms. Nell Valle, Ms. Kim Horrigan, Ms. Trish Ng, and Ms. Heather Doney, all in support of Quincy Public Schools adding Lunar New Year as an observed holiday.


Open Forum

Superintendent Mulvey opened his report with recognition of high school students who participated in the annual Quincy Lions Club Speech Contest held on December 11, with three students from each high school competing. Quincy High School students Eddie Giza, Leia Gomes, and Mary “Lulu” Prono and North Quincy High School students Marko Mano, Caroline Pham, and Julia Zynda presented speeches on “The Best Advice I’ve Ever Received.” Quincy High School student Mary “Lulu” Prono was the winner and will advance to the regional competition. North Quincy High School student Caroline Pham was the runner up.Superintendent Mulvey also congratulated Quincy High School Senior Alyssa Hopps, who has become the fifth student in school history to score 1,000 points as a member of the Girls Varsity Basketball Team.

As a result of the recent screening assessment, forty-four seniors from both North Quincy High School and Quincy High School have qualified to be awarded the Seal of Biliteracy. Nine of the students will receive the Seal with Distinction and two students were deemed proficient in two world languages in addition to English.

On Thursday, January 9, there will be a signing ceremony to recognize the thirteen Grade 9 students who are committing to earning an Accelerated Associate Degree at Quincy College while simultaneously completing their high school graduation requirements.

Upcoming Quincy Public Schools and City of Quincy events include: Central Middle School’s Drama Club presentation of Madagascar on January 16 & 17 at 7:00 pm and January 18 at 2:00 pm all in the Central Middle School Auditorium; the City of Quincy and Quincy 400 are hosting the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Breakfast on Monday, January 20 at 9:00 am at the Tirrell Room; there will be a Parent Academy on Supporting Literacy Development for students in Grades 3-8 on January 21, 2025 at 6:00 pm via Zoom; the Quincy High School and North Quincy High School Music programs will be holding a Winter Recital on January 22 at 6:00 pm at the Peter Chrisom Auditorium at North Quincy High School.





There was no Old Business on the agenda.


Old Business





Senior Director of Student Support Services Maura Papile, accompanied by Big Brother/Big Sister Chief Program Officer Terrence McCarron, Director of Pathway Programs Constance Carmona, and Program Coordinator Aaron Gordon presented on the Big Futures Mentoring pilot at Quincy High School. Starting in Grade 9, students are matched with an adult professional mentor; the program began in Boston Public Schools seven years ago, expanded to Revere Public Schools two years ago, and to Quincy High School for this school year. Students were identified by various means, including Grade 8 Guidance Counselors, presentation at the summer Ladders to Success program, and back to school functions. Students are matched with adult mentors based on commonalities, interests, and needs; there is formal onboarding process and safety guidelines for interactions; monthly career exposure field trips and community building events. There is a scope and sequence for the four years of the program and opportunities for post-secondary support.

Ms. Papile clarified that any student is welcome to participate in the program, there are 76 Grade 9 students enrolled in the program. This is an incredible opportunity, funded by Big Brother/Big Sister. Each new cohort will have its own Program Coordinator.

Mr. Gutro said this is life-changing work, thanked the presenters for the collaboration with Quincy Public Schools.

Mr. Bregoli asked for clarification, this is the first year of the program. Mr. Bregoli would like to see this tremendous opportunity be expanded to North Quincy High School, Ms. Papile agreed and said that Quincy Asian Resources (QARI) is potentially a partner for this expansion.

Mrs. Perdios asked for details on participating. Of the 76 students signed up, 65 students have active mentors and recruiting is underway for the remaining students. Mr. Gordon said recruiting diverse mentors is key to the success of the program and there are also specific requests for certain professional fields such as cosmetology where mentors are in short supply. Mr. McCarron said that ultimately the goal is to have 400 students and the same number of mentors at each high school, so looking ahead to expand networking opportunities.

Superintendent Mulvey thanked the presenters and Ms. Papile, this is a very impressive program that has shown amazing growth in the six months in Quincy Public Schools. Looking forward to continuing to expand in Quincy Public Schools, this mentorship is producing some important results with regular school attendance.

Mrs. Cahill said it is so important for students that the program is there at school, easily accessible and dependable support.


New Business


Big Brother/Big Sister

Mentoring Program



Assistant Superintendent Dr. Erin Perkins, Curriculum Director Michael Marani, and Coordinators Bridget Vaughan and Kim Quinn presented an update of the Quincy Public Schools Professional Development. The Professional Development Planning Team meets three times a year, a collaboration of teachers and administrators to analyze professional development feedback and potential future opportunities.

At the recent Professional Day of Learning, there were over 130 Professional Development offerings from 74 presenters, including 30 Quincy Public Schools educators. Feedback from the professional staff members was positive in terms of offerings meeting expectations, the ease of registration and scheduling, and communication around the event. Ms. Quinn, Mr. Marani, and Ms. Vaughan reviewed the specific Professional Development planned for Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts.

Mrs. Perdios complimented the planning and detail that was shared is impressive. Mrs. Perdios asked about Professional Development for social-emotional learning, Dr. Perkins confirmed that there is additional Professional Development for Student Support, English Learner Education, and Special Education.

Mr. Gutro said the Professional Day of Learning looked incredible, Dr. Perkins said this was the second year of implementing this event on the November Election Day when schools are closed for polling.

Mr. Bregoli complimented the offerings, this is very critical support for the Quincy Public Schools staff members. Mr. Bregoli asked about Investigating History curriculum, this is for Grades 5-7 and covers American History and Ancient Civilizations.


New Business



Development Plan



Mr. Gutro made a motion to approve the item listed under the Consent Agenda: Approval of the December 11, 2024 Regular Meeting and Executive Session minutes; donations from the Quincy City Club, the Butwin Insurance Group, Quincy Mutual Insurance, the Randy C. Wolfe Music Trust, the Monaco Family; a grant from the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education for $25,000 for the Multilingual Learner and Homeless Student Support; and Out of State/Overnight student travel for Quincy and North Quincy High School HYPERobotics competition at the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont on March 27-31, 2025. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 5-0.Mrs. Hubley and Mrs. Lebo were absent


Consent Agenda



There was no Additional Business.


Additional Business

Mrs. Cahill noted that upcoming School Committee meetings will be held on January 22; February 12; March 12 & 26, 2025 all at 6:30 pm at the Coddington Building.

On January 15, 2025, there will be a Special Education Subcommittee meeting.



Mr. Gutro reported on the November 20, 2024 Policy Subcommittee meeting where revision to School Committee Policy Book Sections 9.2 School Year and 9.3 School Calendar were discussed.


Reports of





Mr. Bregoli made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of Contract Negotiations at 8:00 pm. Mayor Koch seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it. School Committee will not return from Executive Session.


Executive Session

Since School Committee did not return from Executive Session, the Regular Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.



Quincy School Committee Open Forum Letters/January 8, 2025 Meeting

Dear Honorable Mayor Thomas P. Koch,
My name is Nell Valle and I am a member of the Quincy community working with AAPI teenagers through my work with Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center in Quincy. I am disappointed I am unable to attend the meeting tomorrow. This is my letter to support making Lunar New Year a holiday in the school calendar. 
The significance of Lunar New Year is to honor the calendar and tradition of Chinese and other Asian communities. It should be recognized on the school calendar because it would be supporting a great number of the school population as well as honoring it as a holiday equal to New Year's and other winter holidays. 
Lunar New Year is centered around a coming together of family and loved-ones. It symbolizes a fresh start, family reunion, and a wish for prosperity and good fortune in the coming year. Many times, a wonderful feast and parades happen. As with holidays similar to this, planning, travel, and rest are all involved as it is a big tradition and celebration for AAPI families. 
We have come so far in creating spaces for everyone. This action would be a great step in continuing to uplift AAPI youth, families, and community in Quincy. 
Thank you for your time and consideration. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Nell Valle (she/her)

Youth Outreach and Engagement Associate




 Happy New Year, School Committee members!

My name is Kim Horrigan; I have 3 kids in QPS

I grew up as a Chinese immigrant and attended QPS since 2nd grade (Montclair, Atlantic, and North). Actually just had our 25th High school reunion last year. I am proud to have raised my kids in this city but I have been so disappointed for the past 4 years and baffled why we still haven’t passed Lunar New Year after getting the Mayor and the City Councilors support.

I want to be the voice for my own 3 kids, among the 40% of the students in our Quincy Public schools who identify as Asian. I want to be their voice because they can’t be here tonight and they might not have had an opportunity to stand in front of you for the past 4 years to hear the rejections from this committee but I am so moved to see our non-Asian neighbors and those who don't celebrate the LNY stand with us in support of our cause, because they too, also know how important it is to give these kids a voice.

I know all parties want the best for our students. Tonight is my first appearance, but I have been supporting this effort for the past few years in various ways and have reviewed many recordings of these meetings. I hear considerations from both sides. However, I hope we can persuade this committee tonight to make a change for the better, As schools propose their improvement plans to embrace diversity and inclusion, I am hoping that the City of Presidents can pave the way and set an example to other cities to embrace inclusion and diversity in our schools and to vote to celebrate this very special holiday for our Asian students.

I plea with you, please don't treat the Lunar New Year as a sick day, it's not an excuse. It's a celebration of thousands of years of culture shared between the old and young generations. On this special day, Asian families celebrate by spending the days in preparation, cooking, and feasting.

It is very easy for kids nowadays to lose their identity under peer pressure and feel the need to fit in. Please don't take this holiday from these kids, this is something that GIVES these students their identity. Please empower our students to be proud, to be their own individual, and to celebrate their holiday! As I remind my kids all the time, they are not only Irish, but they are also Chinese too.

Please help our kids have a sense of ownership for a holiday that defines their culture and say to them “You may not celebrate Christmas, but your holiday is equally as important”. If you can address this need for the 40% of the student body that we are discussing now, then you did a great job as a school committee.

Thank you for listening and for your consideration. I hope this is not just a checkbox in an open forum, but that you you truly heard my words.

I appreciate your time,



Hello Mayor Koch,

Lunar New Year is a special celebration rooted in centuries of tradition. It marks the beginning of the new year for Asian Americans, a time that symbolizes renewal, prosperity, reflection, family and togetherness. Families gather and celebrate with reunions. Having a day for us to celebrate recognizes the importance of this day to the Asian American community.
There are a few states including California and New York as well as cities/towns in Massachusetts that recognizes Lunar New Year day.
I support the efforts to recognize this day as a holiday for the Quincy community and included on the school calendar.
Thank you for your time.
Trish Ng


Dear School Committee Members,

I am writing you as the parents of two future public school children who are half Vietnamese and love to celebrate Lunar New Year with their whole family. I personally make sure to take photos of them in traditional outfits and make a headdress to match my daughter’s ao dai every year. The foods, the red envelopes, the happiness, all mean so much to them and my husband’s family, and have come to mean a lot to me too. 

Quincy has a large Asian population that should be included and respected whenever possible. Lunar New Year is the big holiday of the year, akin to Christmas in the Western tradition. If there was a city where 30% of the population (and growing!) wanted to celebrate Christmas with their families, I’m sure you’d hope the holiday and the respect that goes along with it would be granted. So it is with Lunar New Year.

Thank you for your consideration.

Heather Doney