Engineering Technology

A student uses an instrument to make a measurement.Engineering Technology

The Engineering Technology Program at Quincy High School, enriched with the Project Lead the Way curriculum, provides students with a hands-on, in-depth understanding of engineering and technology-based careers, preparing them for the challenges of both 2- and 4-year college engineering programs.

The Engineering Technology program has three tiers.

  • Foundation Courses include Introduction to Engineering Design and Principles of Engineering.

  • Specialization Courses include Civil Engineering and Architecture, Digital Electronics, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

  • Engineering Design and Development allows students the opportunity to research an engineering principle in-depth, write a paper, and then defend their findings before a panel of experts. This is the capstone course in the Engineering Technology program.


To enter the field, a 4-year bachelor's degree in engineering is generally required for entry-level jobs. Students typically focus on a specific engineering specialty, complemented by coursework in mathematics and science. Engineering technicians typically complete a 2-year program.

Diverse opportunities await graduates, with 37% employed in manufacturing, 28% in science and technology industries, 12% in government, and 3% as self-employed. About 20% find roles in other industries.

With our program, you can embark on a variety of exciting careers:

  • Engineer: Design, robotics, airplanes, power plants, roads, defense systems, computers, and manufacturing systems across 17 recognized engineering specialties.

  • Engineering Technician: Solve technical problems in research and development, manufacturing, testing, sales, construction, and inspection.

Average Salary

In Massachusetts, the average pay for electrical engineers is $118,100. Mechanical engineers earn $108,180. Bioengineers earn $115,760. Computer engineers earn $116,902.

Engineering technicians average $65,810.

Industry/Career Outlook

Mechanical and electrical engineering will grow by 7% over the next 10 years. Industrial engineering will grow by 14%. Biomedical will grow by 6%. Civil engineering will grow by 8%.

As companies consolidate or cut costs, they may shift additional tasks to engineering technicians.

A student uses engineering software on a desktop to create a design.Equipment/Software Training

State-of-the-art computers, 3D Printers, Intelitek CNC Milling machine, Benchmill 6100 CNC Milling machine, Stress Analyzer, VEX Robotics Kits, MyDAQ Protoboard/ Autodesk Fusion 360, AutoDesk Revit, MDSolids, Westpoint BridgeDesigner, CNC Motion, RoboCell, FlowArm PLTW, Multisim 14.1and VEXCode.


Students may graduate from our program with the following certifications:

  • OSHA 10 Hours in General Industry

  • Project Lead The Way: ___POE ___IED ___CEA ___DE ___CIM ___EDD

  • Certificate of Occupational Proficiency – Engineering Technology

Articulation Agreements

Students may earn college credits and/or scholarships via local colleges:

  • Direct articulation with PLTW affiliates

New England and Regional Affiliated Schools - Direct Articulations

  • Worcester Polytechnical Institute

  • Wentworth Institute

  • University of New Haven

  • New Hampshire Technical Institute

  • New England Institute of Technology

  • Rochester Institute of Technology

Keene State College

  • SPDI 121 Sustainable Product Design & Innovation

  • SPDI 290 Special Topics

  • KSC 100 General Elective – 4 credits

Recommended Course of Study

Grade 9

  • English

  • Foreign Language

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • Physical Education

  • Pathways

  • Introduction to Engineering Design

Grade 10

  • English

  • Foreign Language

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • Physical Education

  • Principles of Engineering

  • Digital Electronics

Grade 11

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • Physical Education

  • 2 Engineering specialization courses

  • 1 Elective Course

Grade 12

  • English

  • Social Studies

  • Physical Education

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • 1 Engineering specialization course OR Engineering Design and Development

  • 1 Elective Course