Science at Quincy High School
The core values and beliefs about learning and 21st-century student expectations of the QHS Science Department are in accord with those of our school and the guiding philosophies, principles, and strands of the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Science/Technology and the College Board Advanced Placement Programs for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science. In every course offered, both teachers and students evaluate each individual student’s progress in achieving the school-wide academic and social expectations in addition to the scientific objectives of the course. Science courses are inquiry-based, stressing scientific literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. A wide variety of learning activities including extensive laboratory work, field trips, classroom use of computers, audiovisual aids, and other technologies are employed to enhance the classroom experience for all students.
All science department course offerings are laboratory sciences and students must earn a passing score in three full-year courses in order to graduate. Students who have not yet met this requirement must enroll in a science course. It is strongly recommended that students preparing for college follow a four-year sequence of science courses, usually a ninth-grade science, biology, chemistry, and physics.
Science Faculty