Oct. 20, 2021 Subcommittee Meetings

Oct. 20, 2021 Subcommittee Meetings
Posted on 10/18/2021
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Quincy School Committee Budget and Finance Subcommittee

Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Chair
Coddington Building
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
6:00 p.m.

Per Governor Baker’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20, the public will not be allowed to physically access this School Committee meeting. Members of the Public can access the meeting audio live on QATV Channel 22 or at www.qatv.org. The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on the QPS website on Friday, October 22, 2021.

  1. FY2022 Staffing Reconciliation - Mr. Mullaney

  2. Quarterly Budget Status Report - Mr. Mullaney


Quincy School Committee

Budget & Finance Subcommittee Meeting ~ October 20, 2021

A meeting of the Budget & Finance Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the Coddington Building.  Present were Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, Mr. Frank Santoro, and Mayor Thomas Koch, Chair.  Also attending were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Mr. James Mullaney, and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk. 

Director of Business James Mullaney presented the FY2022 Budget/Staffing Reconciliation.  For Academic Classroom Staff, the number of positions equals the budgeted amount but there was some shifting in locations.  For Academic Program Staff, 0.2 Elementary Music and 0.4 Physical Education positions were added. 

Mr. Mullaney presented the FY2022 Quarterly Budget report for the 1st quarter ending September 30, 2021.  For Salaries (Academic Classroom Teachers, Academic Programs, Academic Support, and Non-Academic Support), all salary lines have expended the expected amount for this time of the year.  For Academic and Non-Academic Expenses, expenditures are at expected levels.  The largest line items are related to Special Education Tuitions and Transportation, with 85% and 98% respectively, remaining. 

Mrs. Perdios asked about the shortage of substitute teachers, Superintendent Mulvey said that there is a particular issue this year.  At next week’s School Committee meeting, will bring a proposal to School Committee to increase substitute daily pay.  From the Urban Superintendent’s group, there is a statewide crisis on this topic.  Mr. Mullaney is doing an analysis on where Quincy Public Schools is compares to other districts.  The Human Resources staff is calling the substitute roster from 2019-2020 to try to qualify more substitute teachers, along with postings on SchoolSpring.  Mr. Mullaney said that he has comparisons for around 25 local districts, many are offering $100 per day and still have vacancies.  Superintendent Mulvey said that previously we had 200-250 regular active substitutes, the number is significantly lower.

Mrs. Lebo asked how many absences per day does Quincy Public Schools have on average.  Mr. Mullaney will follow up with this information.  Mayor Koch qualified that he would like to see a comparison of this year vs. an average year.

Mrs. Lebo asked about the Custodial line, some of the funding will be offset by ESSER funding.  Mr. Mullaney said this is an offset, the ESSER funding is a revenue source outside the City appropriation similar to the Circuit Breaker funding for Special Education. 

Mr. Bregoli asked about Work Study line in the salary budget.  Mr. Mullaney said that this is for Special Education job placements for students ages 18-22 in the LEAP program.

Mrs. Perdios asked about Staff Development most of the budgeted funds have been expended already.  Mr. Mullaney said there is additional Professional Development which is grant-funded and not reflected here.

Mrs. Lebo asked about the rising price of natural gas, Mr. Mullaney is concerned about this as well.

Mr. Bregoli asked about the rising price of gasoline, Mayor Koch said the City is locked into favorable rates currently.

Mr. Bregoli asked about the Dues line, the MIAA and MASC membership fees are paid from this line.  Mr. Bregoli asked about charging at other sporting events, such as Volleyball and Soccer.

Mr. Santoro suggested that the Patriot League sets the rules about charging admission for certain sports and the gate fee.

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to accept the FY2022 First Quarter Report and FY2022 Staffing Reconciliation as presented.  Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

School Committee was also provided with the list of staff members hired for the 2021-2022 school year.

Mr. Santoro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 pm.  Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Quincy School Committee

Facilities, Security & Transportation Subcommittee

Mr. Frank Santoro, Chair
Mr. Doug Gutro & Mrs. Courtney Perdios, Subcommittee Members

***This meeting is a Committee of the Whole ***

Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 6:05 pm
Coddington Building

Per Governor Baker’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20, the public will not be allowed to physically access this School Committee meeting. Members of the Public can access the meeting live on QATV Channel 22 or at www.qatv.org. The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on the QPS website on Friday, October 22, 2021.

  1. Review of QPS Projects - Commissioner Paul Hines

    • QPS Building HVAC/Ventilation - Mr. Scott

    • Special Education Learning Center Update

    • Summer/Ongoing Projects Update

    • Point Webster Middle School Grounds

  2. QPS Building Feasibility Study Planning - School Committee Members,     Superintendent Mulvey

  3. QHS Security System Update - Superintendent Mulvey



Quincy School Committee

Facilities, Transportation & Security Subcommittee Meeting ~ Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A meeting of the Facilities, Transportation & Security Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 6:25 pm in the Coddington Building. Present were Mayor Thomas Koch, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, and Mr. Frank Santoro, Subcommittee Chair. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, City of Quincy Mechanical Engineer David Scott; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Superintendent Mulvey thanked Mr. Scott and the Maintenance Department for the work done to keep the schools comfortable and safe for our students and staff. Mr. Scott reviewed the report that was submitted to School Committee in September and reminded School Committee that considerable improvements were completed prior to the 2020-2021 school year, so this summer was focused on maintenance and service plus routine repairs. One significant repair is that twenty heating coils in rooftop units were replaced at Quincy High School. For the last month, the department’s focus has been on heating systems to support increased fresh air circulation in schools.

Mr. Gutro asked if the information has been shared with the staff, students, and families. Superintendent Mulvey said that the report is posted on the QPS website, the information was shared with families at the summer back to school webinar, and principals have the information and can refer parent questions to the Superintendent’s Office.

Mrs. Perdios said that last year, availability of filters was an issue. Mr. Scott said this is no longer an issue, filters have been upgraded from a standard of MERV 8 to the highest MERV rating that can effectively be used with a particular system. (MERV 11 for 1-inch filters and MERV 13 for 2-inch filters). Filters with higher MERV ratings have to be changed more frequently.

Mrs. Perdios asked about the issue at the Wollaston Elementary School with humidity and mold in a basement classroom, Mr. Scott said significant improvements have been made to the ventilation system plus dehumidifiers with pumps. Mrs. Perdios asked about screens for windows, Mr. Scott said there is a mix of buildings with and without window screens.

Mr. Bregoli asked if the Lincoln Hancock locker room is completed, Mr. Scott said he has not been there recently, but the HVAC equipment was completed and installed in the summer.

Mr. Bregoli asked about the NQHS exhaust fans and chillers, these have long been an issue. Mr. Scott said the work is continuing, systematically working on eliminating issues, even with new equipment.

Mr. Bregoli asked about Quincy High School HVAC components, the building is a little over 10 years old. Mr. Scott said there are manufacturing failures, the equipment is out of warranty and the manufacturer is not standing behind the equipment.

Mayor Koch thanked Mr. Scott and his team for all of their hard work. Mayor Koch asked about the effect on energy usage of having windows open year round. Mr. Scott reiterated that as the outside air temperature goes down, windows can be opened an inch at either end of the room for significant air flow. Mayor Koch reiterated that the air exchange rates in our school buildings is better than in most homes.

Mrs. Lebo said that staff should be reminded about how the windows should be opened during the cold weather. Mr. Mulvey said this information was shared last year and will be shared again.

Mr. Santoro noted that Commissioner Hines was not able to attend tonight due to illness, and deferred the remaining agenda items to the next Facilities, Transportation & Security meeting.

Mrs. Perdios asked for an update on the Point Webster Middle School grounds funding. Mayor Koch said this is very close to being able to be discussed

Superintendent Mulvey said that in planning for a Quincy Public Schools Feasibility Study, he has compiled a list of issues to help define the scope: Grade 5 Students returning to Clifford Marshall and Lincoln Hancock; Universal Pre-Kindergarten; the effect of the Reach program on Middle School APC program; redistricting to relieve higher enrollment at certain schools; the Learning Center opening/students moving from ECC; St. Mary’s School property. An outside consultant would be able to analyze these and provide suggestions/recommendations along with construction costs.

Mr. Gutro said that some are philosophical discussions for School Committee to consider and redistricting and construction will be the end result.

Mrs. Lebo asked for additional Open Enrollment information that details the home schools where the requests coming from. Mrs. Lebo suggested that School Committee form a Task Force on this issue.

Mrs. Perdios asked about budget surplus from last school year. Mayor Koch clarified that any budget overages were absorbed by the City’s general fund, but he will be looking at funding sources and outside consultants for the feasibility study.

Mayor Koch added integrating classroom space for the Early Intervention program currently in Squantum into a Quincy Public Schools building to the list of considerations.

Mrs. Perdios asked about establishing a timeline. Superintendent Mulvey said this can be drafted for review by School Committee.

Mrs. Lebo said that the federal government spending plan will require Universal Pre-Kindergarten to be implemented in public schools.

Information about Quincy Public Schools students living in the recently opened residential developments in Quincy was shared with School Committee.

Superintendent Mulvey updated that the QHS Security System replacement is under contract, the work will begin in approximately four weeks and will hopefully be completed in a weekend day with no disruption at the school. Mrs. Perdios asked for details of what is being replaced, the security system hardware and software will be upgraded and additional cameras to be added to the school.

Mayor Koch left the meeting at 7:00 pm.

Mrs. Lebo asked about the reports of vaping at the high schools, Superintendent Mulvey met with both high school principals and staff are circulating in the restrooms regularly while trying to maintain student privacy. Vape detectors were installed prior to the pandemic and Superintendent Mulvey will follow up on the status. Mrs. Lebo asked about the Health Interventionists being involved in assisting students who may be addicted to the vaping substances.

Mrs. Perdios asked about what happens when students are found vaping, is there a zero tolerance policy. Superintendent Mulvey said that it is handled on a case by case basis, starting with getting students assistance, restorative justice, and ultimately, disciplinary actions including suspension.

Mrs. Perdios asked if the new system will allow for additional capacity for retaining footage and Superintendent Mulvey confirmed. Superintendent Mulvey cautioned that there is a protocol on review of security footage, it is considered a student record and subject to privacy requirements.

Mrs. Lebo clarified that smoking and vaping is not a zero-tolerance policy, these are very limited as the state has regulations around student discipline. Superintendent Mulvey agreed, these policies would be limited to weapons and drugs and alternate educational resources are required to be provided.

Mrs. Perdios made a motion to adjourn the Facilities, Transportation & Security Subcommittee meeting at 7:15 pm. Mr. Gutro seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Quincy School Committee Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee

Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 6:45 pm
School Committee Room, Coddington Building

Per Governor Baker’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20, the public will not be allowed to physically access this School Committee meeting. Members of the Public can access the meeting live on QATV Channel 22 or at www.qatv.org. The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on the QPS website on Friday, October 22, 2021.

Mr. Frank Santoro, Chair
Mr. Doug Gutro & Mrs. Emily Lebo, Subcommittee Members
This meeting is a Subcommittee of the Whole.

  1. QPS Human Resources Update - Ms. Allison Cox

    • QPS Employee Demographic Data

    • Diversification Initiatives

    • MA DESE Professional Learning Community

    • PLC Grant

    • MPDE Update

  2. District EDI Update - Ms. Maura Papile

    • Visions Inc.

    • Classroom Circles

    • QPS Staff Professional Development

    • Citywide PTO EDI Update


Quincy School Committee

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee Meeting ~ Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A meeting of the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 7:25 pm in the School Committee Room of the Coddington Building. Present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, and Mr. Frank Santoro, Subcommittee Chair. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Allison Cox, Ms. Maura Papile, and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Director of Human Resources Allison Cox presented an update on Quincy Public Schools Recruitment & Hiring for the 2021-2022 school year. In an effort to increase staff diversity, Quincy Public Schools joined the Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education, participating in the virtual Job Fair last March and sharing job postings. For all job postings, inclusive language has been added to reiterate commitment to creating an inclusive and racially affirming environment. Ms. Cox shared data for hiring diverse staff for professional staff, paraprofessionals, administrators, and other non-academic support staff for the years 2017-2021 and comparisons to the Quincy Public Schools student population demographics.

For the 2021-2022 school year, Quincy Public Schools will be participating in the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Teacher Diversification Professional Learning Community (TDPLC) to support and enhance school and district understanding of the components needed to develop and implement a comprehensive talent diversification strategy (recruitment, selection, and retention). Recruitment and retention of a more diverse workforce, and ultimately improved, culturally responsive, educational experiences and improved outcomes for all students, particularly students of color. In addition, Quincy Public Schools has applied for the DESE Teacher Diversification Pilot Program Grant to create an educator pipeline for paraprofessionals and others; provide tuition reimbursement to support enrollment into and completion of an approved educator preparation program for up to five individuals.

In collaborating with the MPDE, development of the Administrator Certification Program is ongoing with the hopes of launching later in the school year. The member districts have agreed that the monthly meetings should include more working time to create tangibles to bring back to districts, in partnership with a consultant. The consultant will assist in developing an MPDE model for centering equity in recruitment and hiring; developing a racial equity audit for hiring managers; and developing an MPDE DEI Toolkit for developing best practices in recruiting, hiring, retaining.

Mr. Gutro asked if there was a more diverse candidate pool for this summer’s postings. Ms. Cox said this is a difficult question to answer, resumes are submitted online or via email and they are paper screened before interview pools are selected.

Mrs. Lebo asked if Quincy Public Schools professional staff positions are all filled and Ms. Cox and Superintendent Mulvey confirmed.

Mrs. Perdios asked whether there is follow up with candidates who are not currently licensed. Ms. Perkins said that the Curriculum Team meets with all qualified professional staff candidates and some who have qualifications but do not have licenses. Ms. Perkins said that this is a state-wide issue, many districts are struggling to expand diversity.

Mrs. Perdios asked if there is a process for gathering information when staff resign, Ms. Perkins said for cafeteria and paraprofessional staff, we are definitely hearing that local school systems are paying more.

Mrs. Lebo agreed that an exit interview would be a good idea. Mrs. Lebo asked about contractual language precluding diversity expansion. Superintendent Mulvey said Civil Service positions such as secretarial do have preference for internal candidates.

Senior Director of Student Support Services Maura Papile then reviewed that the Visions Inc report from last spring’s surveys and focus groups is still pending, but some recommendations were shared with School Committee: building representation within the staff; training/skill building; DEI Committee; community building; communication; leading through multicultural lens; re-examine policies and practices; evaluation of progress; and aligning curriculum. Ms. Papile reviewed that Principals began the process of introducing restorative practices at the opening staff meeting on September 7 and continuing on the Principal PD days (norm-setting circles). Staff members are encouraged to get to know their students and make connections, celebrate and appreciate an individual, group, or the entire classroom; and to develop community building activities (team building, curriculum explorations, resolving conflict, adopting/developing classroom norms, decorating classroom bulletin boards & doors, staff book clubs, one book/one school, unity day).

Ms. Perkins updated on collaboration with Citywide Parent Council EDI subcommittee, establishing a partnership with school sites and EDI Citywide parent representatives.

Mrs. Lebo asked about the high schools, it is more difficult to sustain when students have many different teachers, are they getting consistent exposure. Mrs. Lebo asked about a timeline for the complete VISIONS report, the items that were submitted for today’s meeting are a very generic and disappointing.

Ms. Papile said the high school staff are getting the same training but agreed that it is not the same implementation level as at the elementary and middle schools. Ms. Papile said both high schools have DEI student groups, the health curriculum in Grade 10, incorporating YouthSpeak, additional clinicians to assist students who are struggling.

Mr. Gutro said that the High School SIP presentations will be an opportunity to find out more detail about their initiatives.

Mr. Santoro said that Athletics are a key connection for students in high school, cited the long-standing tradition of the cultural fair at QHS, and the homeroom teachers are an important support that students have for four years. So many great things happening throughout the school system.

Mrs. Lebo agreed and said that despite all of these great events, we learned in 2020 that some students feel disconnected in significant ways.

Mrs. Perdios echoed Mr. Gutro and Mrs. Lebo, asked about students who may be reluctant about sharing, worried about students being anxious about something that is supposed to be helpful. Mrs. Perdios said that race is discussed frequently, but not LGBTQ+ or gender roles; some schools have support groups while others do not.

Mrs. Lebo left the meeting at 8:15 pm.

Mrs. Perdios asked about the DOVE training for peer leadership, Ms. Papile said there was training over the summer for high school students and DOVE is working with Grades 6-8. Ms. Perdios asked about QPAC involvement with EDI and Ms. Perkins said they will be reached out to become involved.

Mr. Bregoli asked about the impact on time on learning. Ms. Papile said these are not every day, maybe once a week during an extended homeroom or could be used as an educational opportunity integrating curriculum.

Mr. Santoro thanked the presenters, so much accomplished in a short time.

Mr. Gutro made a motion to adjourn the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee meeting at 8:25 pm. Mr. Santoro seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.