District Communications

QPS District Communications

At Quincy Public Schools, we are committed to transparent, effective, and accessible communication with our students, parents, staff, and the broader community.

We believe that a well-informed and engaged community plays an important role in the success of our students. We use a variety of communication channels to provide accurate, timely, and accessible information to our stakeholders.

Communication Channels:

Icon of a mouse arrow hovering over a globewww.QuincyPublicSchools.com
Our website is a central hub for information featuring news, announcements, event calendars, and resources for students, parents, and staff.


Icon of an envelope inside a circleEmail
We send regular email updates via Aspen and the accessible, translatable Smore platform to parents and staff highlighting important news, upcoming events, educational resources, and community offerings.


Icons show various social media reactions in conversation bubblesSocial Media: Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
Follow us on our social media platforms for district updates and event coverage in our schools.


Icon shows an exclamation point inside a triangle.Emergency Alerts
In the event of emergencies or urgent matters, we utilize text messages and automated phone calls to keep everyone informed.  


Icon depicts a globe surrounded by 6 icons representing people.Multilingual Support
We recognize the diversity of our community and strive to provide information in multiple languages to ensure that everyone can access and understand our communications. Learn more about our Family Liaisons Â»


Image depicts a note surrounded by arrows depicting a cycle.Feedback and Engagement Opportunities
We value your input and engagement. Our district actively seeks feedback and offers opportunities for involvement through:

  • Parent/Guardian Organizations: Join your school’s PTO/PAC to connect with other parents and become involved in building community through supporting the school at events and celebrations. District-wide parent organizations include the Quincy Citywide Parent Council, the English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC), and the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC).

  • Quincy School Committee Meetings: Quincy School Committee meetings are held in the School Committee Room at the Coddington Building and are open to the public. (The meeting schedule can be found here.) The meetings are also broadcast live on Xfinity Comcast Channel 22 and livestreamed at qatv.org. Meeting videos are posted on the QPS YouTube channel. Parents and community members are welcome to address School Committee through the Open Forum held at each meeting or via email at [email protected].

  • Volunteers: Schools utilize volunteers in a variety of ways including chaperoning field trips and assisting in school libraries. Please check with your student’s school for volunteer opportunities. (All volunteers must complete CORI and SAFIS background checks.)

Photo/Video Opt-Out

Throughout the school year, Quincy Public Schools (QPS) staff may take photos and/or videos of students, faculty, and staff in the school buildings, on school grounds, or participating in school activities at other sites. These images and/or videos may be used in QPS communications materials and media, including, but not limited to, the QPS website (district and school pages), digital newsletters, brochures, social media, or mass media outlets.

Parents and guardians may choose not to have their students appear in photographs or videos as described above. If you do not wish Quincy Public Schools to use your student's likeness for the above purposes, please complete and submit our Photo/Video Opt-Out Form Â»

Contact Us

If you have specific questions or feedback about communication efforts at QPS, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 617-984-8701.