Oct. 28, 2010 Policy Sub Meeting

Quincy School Committee
Policy Subcommittee

Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Chairman
Superintendent's Conference Room
October 28, 2010
3:30 p.m.

  1. School Improvement Plans

    3:30 p.m. Quincy High School
    3:50 p.m. North Quincy High School

  2. Anti Bullying Policy

  3. Waivers

  4. Naming of Schools


Quincy School Committee
Policy Subcommittee

October 28, 2010

A policy Subcommittee meeting was held on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 4:00 P.M. in the Superintendent’s Conference Room. Present were: Ms. Barbara Isola, Mr. Dave McCarthy, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, and Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Chair. Also present were: Dr. DeCristofaro, Mrs. Colleen Roberts, Mrs. Joann Morrissey, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Maura Tenaglia, QEA President Allison Cox and Mr. Keith Segalla.

This meeting was called to order by Mrs. Bragg. The first order of business was Waivers and Verification of Income. Mrs. Morrissey provided the committee with a “Three year Comparison of Free and Reduced and Verification Sample Size” summary as requested. She also provided the federal regulation requirement on income verification, the process that must be used to verify Eligibility for Free and Reduced Lunches and how to verify for cause. This matter has been resolved and will be removed from subcommittee.

All School Improvement Plans areas of needs will be forwarded to the School Facility Subcommittee.

Quincy High School’s School Improvement Plan was presented by Principal Frank Santoro and Assistant Principal Ellen Murray. They shared with the committee the parent, student and staff surveys they used to develop their plan. There was discussion on their AYP and MCAS scores and steps they are taking to improve those scores and plus they shared their goals.

Smart Goal #1. To continue to increase student scores, proficiency rates and student participation for all sub groupings of students during the 2010/2011 testing cycle between 1 and 3 %.

Smart Goal #2. To continue to design and to finish writing the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Self-Study Report by April 2011 in preparation of the Fall 2011 site visit by the committee.

Smart Goal #3. To create opportunities for the professional staff, throughout the school year, that will promote 21st Century and Interdisciplinary lesson planning. Mr. Santoro explained the State Street Corporation Grant “The Great Ideas Program” in which teachers are rewarded with $500 for coming up with the best lessons plans that are interdisciplinary in nature.

The Subcommittee was concerned about class sizes over 30, having enough desks for students, Chapter 74 programming and maintenance punch lists particularly in the Science and Tech wing. Everyone is pleased with the new school building but is concerned about proper training to maintain the new facility and equipment.

On a motion by Mr. McCarthy seconded by Ms. Isola the Quincy High Plan was approved pending a completed list of signatures on the submission page 14 of the report.

North Quincy High School’s School Improvement Plan was presented by Principal Earl Metzler and Assistant Principal Robert Shaw. Mr. Shaw spoke about Turn it on.com web license that students submit their work on-line which is checked to make sure there is no academic misconduct including plagiarism, after the student’s work is submitted it is checked and a report follows. Mr. Metzler spoke about Academic Commendation for Exceptional Sports Teams (ACES) in which “all athletic programs maintain excellence through performance in the classroom and on the fields of competition. At the end of each academic year, the average GPA for a sports program is calculated to determine that program’s ACES ranking.” Last school year’s overall rank was a GPA of 3.34 reaching the Gold status.

Smart Gold #1. Increase the number of Students with Disabilities in the proficient and advanced categories (score greater than 240) on the MCAS on the first attempt (regular grade ten administration) by 10% in each ELA, math and science categories.

Smart Goal #2. Increase the average score on the open-response items on the ELA MCAS to 2.70.

Smart Goal #3. Increase the percent correct on the multiple choice items on the math MCAS to 70%.

Smart Goal #4. Reduce the number of students with ten or more days tardy to school in 2010- 2011 by half.

Plus each department created their own goals to meet. The committee asked questions about the PA system in the gym, chips on gym floor, and class size. They are looking to use some of the State Street Corporation’s partnership money to purchase more computers and expand the labs that have over 24 students in them. They are thankful for their building improvements and technology upgrades. Some area of needs include replacing doors leading to the Art room so they can secure the area, replace damaged window shades throughout the building, and lighting in the auditorium.

North Quincy’s School Improvement plan was approved on a motion by Mrs. Mahoney and second by Mr. McCarthy.

Next discussed was the Anti-Bullying policy 10.18 Mr. Mulvey revised the policy as the committee requested in which the full law was included in the policy so that there would be no misinterpretation or conflicts between QPS’s policy and the law. The committee agreed to keep the last page of the present policy created in April 2008 which lists possible disciplinary consequences, possible remedial/supportive measures with the deletion of number 5, and possible Environmental (Building) Measures. This new policy will be File name 10.18, include a reference to the Harassment and Internet/technology Acceptable Use Policy. The committee approved the revised Anti-Bullying Policy as amended on a motion by Ms. Isola and second by Mr. McCarthy.

It was determined the Harassment Policy File 1.8 needs a major overhaul. With the Superintendent’s permission this policy was referred to a team to revise and submit back to the subcommittee at a future date. Previous written comments from our attorney, Ginny Tate on this policy will be considered in drafting a revision. The Internet/Technology Acceptable Use Policy File 9.9.3 needs to be revised to include Facebook and other social networks language. The committee reviewed suggested language from the Mass. Association of School Committees. The subcommittee will work the QEA President Allison Cox and the Superintendent to research other suggestions of possible wording to add. This will remain in subcommittee until we can come up language that references other employees as well as teachers and students and is more acceptable to all parties.

Discussion then focused on the Bullying Prevention/Intervention and Professional Development Action Plan that must be submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education by December 31. The plan needs public comment and School Committee approval. It was determined that Ms. Tenaglia will put together an Anti-Bullying Team including guidance, police, deans, representatives from Citywide Parents Council and Special Education QPAC and others for public comment on the action plan. We discussed putting an executive summary of the plan on the Quincy Public Schools’ website and forward details to the Quincy Sun and Patriot Ledger. The Policy Subcommittee will then meet to review the public comments and determine if the plan should be revised. Once approved in subcommittee the plan will go before the full School Committee to be voted on at the December 8 meeting. Public comments will be taken into consideration up until the final vote on December 8th. On a motion by Barbara Isola and second by Dave McCarthy this process was approved.

Naming School Facilities-File 6.4 was amended to read as follows:

“The School Committee will be responsible for naming all school buildings and all property under the jurisdiction of the School Committee including but not limited to rooms within school buildings. Notification of a recommendation to dedicate an area under the School Committee’s jurisdiction must be submitted to the School Committee via the Superintendent or designee to be reviewed by the Policy Subcommittee. The School Committee will follow policy rules of appearing on two School Committee meeting agendas with an approval from the full School Committee before a name dedication is final.

Motion was made by Dave McCarthy and second by Barbara Isola to approve the additional language.

The Subcommittee approved the request from North Quincy High School to recommend to the full School Committee the naming of North Quincy High School’s auditorium in honor of Peter J. Chrisom Sr. This will appear on the November 17 and December 8 School Committee agenda for final approval allowing time for public comment.

The next Policy Subcommittee meeting will be on November 3 to convene at 4:00 P.M. to review the middle schools’ school improvement plans.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.