Quincy, Massachusetts - September 19, 2007
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday,
September 19, 2007 at 7:40 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall. Present
were Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Linda Stice, Mr. Jim Timmins, Mr. Dave
McCarthy, and Ms. Elaine Dwyer, Vice Chairman.
Vice Chairman Presiding
The Superintendent called the roll and Mayor Phelan was absent. Also present
were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary, and Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk; Dr.
Pattavina. Messrs. O'Brien, Ryan, Walsh, McPhee, Canavan and Keith Segalla,
Ms. Powell, Lebo, Hughes, and Roberts. Mr. Paul Phillips, QEA President, was
also present.
The Committee observed a moment of silence for Ms. Rose Sanseverro, a former
Quincy Public School secretary, who passed away this week.
Reg.Mins. 9/19/2007 Approved
On a motion by Ms. Stice, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the Committee
approved the regular session minutes for September 9, 2007. The ayes
have it.
Supts. Report
The Mayor's Golf Tournament will be held on October 1. Proceeds from this event go
back to the schools. On October 19 there will be a Quincy Business Partnership meeting.
Class Size
Mr. O'Brien reviewed the preliminary enrollment and class size figures
to date. These numbers continue to change. Last year there were 692 full
day kindergarten students, this year there are 636. Grade one stands at 712.
Mr. O'Brien will return after October 1 with the official numbers. There are
two kindergarten classes at 21 each at Parker School. Ms. Stice asked for
more information at the elementary level. The members also requested
more information for those high school classes over 30. They want to know
which grades have the 20-24 classes and what schools.
The Superintendent presented the staffing resignations for this year
as compared with the past six years. The most common reasons for leaving
are maternity, then child care, career change, relocation, employment at
another school system or a return to graduate school. There were 33
resignations this year.
Mayor arrives at 7:47 p.m.
Ms. Stice made a motion, seconded by Mr. Timmins, that the Superintendent
look at the SPED resignation figures, which were high, over the past five years
and let the Committee know if this is consistent or unusual. The ayes have it.
Mrs. Roberts shared highlights and feedback from the teacher orientation.
There are over 80 new hired staff. Teachers fill out feedback forms. The
teachers said they feel very welcomed. They all have new test and learning
materials. Harcourt donated over $100,000 worth of books to Quincy Public
Schools. A listing of Text/Learning Purchases for the last three years was
passed out to the Committee.
Mrs. Mahoney asked when books get delivered because she heard that some
schools are still waiting for books. Contracts take six weeks to process. A
requisition had gotten lost in the mail, however, 95% of all the materials are
in. Every middle school has agenda books.
Gift - Masons
Janet Powell announced that she received a check for $33,000 from the Masons
for public access defibrillators. To date, the Masons have donated over $60,000
since 2005 to the Quincy Public Schools.
Security Update
Mr. Ken McPhee reported on efforts to maintain a safe learning environment.
The security plan consists of nine security officers, two resource officers,
community police officers were at every one of our sites maintaining traffic.
Lockdowns are scheduled two times a year. Mr. McPhee will give the
Committee a list. Operation Stop Watch is a successful program Quincy started
in conjunction with the MBTA
There is a Security Round Table meeting every month. They discuss better
ways to service students to get them back on track. A professional comes in
every month to speak. He praised Mr. Santoro for doing a great job at
Quincy High School with security.
The Committee inquired about students going back and forth to
Coddington Hall with the site work and if the College retained use of a
couple of rooms. There is a covered walkway from Quincy High to Coddington
Hall with security staff on site there and a security staff on each end of the
walkway. Mr. Ryan is going to put lights on each end for night time activities.
Mrs. Mahoney asked for a report on the buildings, doors, cameras --to include
what we are doing with the equipment we are replacing.
She also asked about student crossing at North Quincy High. There is a light
change. Mr. McPhee answered that Officer Burgio is there every morning and it
seems to be working fine. There is construction going on there that is causing the
problem. The Committee asked that a traffic person look at it and have further
Mr. McCarthy inquired about security around the Quincy High School
site. Mr. McPhee said they are doing the best they can. The school Resource Officers
have jumped in to help. The three construction gates are manned by Gilbane. They are
required to keep that site secure. Tishman walks the site. Mr. Ryan also walks the site
three times a day. If he can't do the last check, Tishman will do it.
The Mayor complimented Mr. McPhee and said that the Drug Unit thinks
he is doing a very good job and are very impressed. He did ask Mr. McPhee to check
into an incident where he saw six or seven tractor trailers idling by
the high school. It is very important that if the administrative staff, construction staff,
maintenance staff see something like that, they take action right away. That might not be
safe for the students. The Mayor wants everyone to be vigilant.
The Superintendent thanked Uncle Sam Roundsville and his wife Jean for their billboard
on Newport Ave. and Beale St. expressing their support for the school system.
open Forum
Under the Open Forum, Bob Haley spoke to an article in the Globe dated
September 6, 2007 regarding the school building program.
Mr. Paul Phillips, QEA President, reported on a few difficulties with the opening of school
-- Quincy High didn't have a passing bell, the elevator didn't work, there is a dust
management problem, Coddington Hall has physical and security issues, and Quincy High
opened without sufficient communicating methods. Wollaston has a big pile of dirt
outside, Wollaston and a couple of other schools have empty furnace rooms. New mercury
lights not installed in every school, Honeywell work did interfere with some teachers going
in early, and there is a copy paper shortage. Also, other unions in the school system still
don't have contracts.
Fall Scene
Janice Erler reported that Summer Scene was a big success and now we are
welcoming Fall Scene. She gave the members brochure on all the new programs
that are being offered. Lois Blowers and Sara Ahearn reported on 21 S` Century
activities available for students. Mrs. Mahoney asked that they clarify the times
for the instrumental programs being offered from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. as it could be
confusing to parents.
Mr. Ryan reported that they have provided residents on Newcomb, Saville,
Huntley, Whitney, Russell, and Woodward Ave. contact sheets which were
dropped off at every house with names and numbers for the Maintenance Office,
Gilbane, and the Tishman people. Building information is on the website and
channel 22. The website will be updated every other week. All the rubble has
been removed from the site. The Mechanical room piping should be in place.
At Coddington Hall, the PA system works through the phones. Bells are working
at Quincy High School and the East Campus. Maintenance is working on the
walkway in the back of the high school by the wetlands. There are two fire
hoses working to keep down dust at Quincy High School. Mr. Ryan hasn't
heard from the principal of any dust problem and there was only one complaint
at the high school about noise. He meets with Frank Santoro every day.
Mr. Timmins asked if he is monitoring closely the proposed spec changes. The bid
packages will be ready the first week of October. Mr. Timmins asked that the
Committee get drawings as well. He wants to know if there are any proposed spec
changes or any proposed changes for any subs relative to the actual package that goes
out to subs. He wants to make sure if any changes are made that affect the finances,
that the Committee is aware of it.
Mr. Ryan will provide the members with all the information available. As of today,
we are ahead of schedule.
Central & Sterling
There is nothing at this time to report on Central and Sterling.
Supts. Evaluation
The members received a draft copy of the Superintendent's Evaluation. Mr.
McCarthy and Elaine Dwyer met in the spring and came up with a format they
thought would work. Mrs. Dwyer asked the members to take a look at it and
any questions, comments, changes to contact Dave or her. They will take them
under consideration. They followed the MASC form of evaluation and the DIP.
Mr. Timmins made a motion to put the matter into a subcommittee or perhaps an adhoc committee. He would like to play a part in this.
Mrs. Dwyer said that that would be a problem as it has to be done in open session.
There are no subcommittees to put it in.
Mr. Mulvey asked that the evaluation should be private and discussed in Executive
The Vice Chair said that it did not fit into any of the nine reasons for executive
Mr. McCarthy said that this was only a draft. Mrs. Dwyer and he discussed the
DIP and the six standards at a high level so that they could cover each category
that the superintendent is involved in. He'll take any suggestions and comments
but thinks right now it's still being built. When it's done, they will all decide on
what they want the evaluation to look like.
She stipulated again that the members should provide her or Mr. McCarthy with
any information and they will work with the Superintendent and his secretary and
come up with another draft.
Mr. Timmins said he may re-evaluate his thoughts about the process. If he
wishes to persists in this motion, he will get back to the members.
Building & Grounds
Mr. Canavan reported that the lights for the East side of the campus will be
installed as soon as stock gets in. They are in the processing of working on boilers.
With regard to the North Quincy High School gym, they fixed the area of
damage and repainted the lines. The final sealing is next. The gym can be
used. Mr. Canavan will check to see if they are having classes in there. Mr.
Canavan did not know what Mr. Phillips was referring to about the empty
furnace room at Wollaston. Mr. Timmins said that he saw a lot of lights out
at Central classrooms and the auditorium. Mr. Canavan said 80% of
Honeywell's work is finished.
Gifts Masons Rural Lodge
On a motion by Mrs. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the Committee
accepted a gift of 533,400 from the Masons Rural Lodge A.F. & A.M. to
benefit Quincy Public Schools Health Services and Student Support Services.
The ayes have it.
Harcourt Educational Publishers
On a motion by Mrs. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the Committee
accepted a gift of over S 100,000 worth of Trophies Reading Text and Learning
materials from Harcourt Educational Publishers for grades K-6. The ayes have
1'`. Presbyterian Church
On a motion by Mrs. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the Committee
accepted a gift of 52,500 from First Presbyterian Church to Sterling Middle
School. The ayes have it.
Tax Sheltered Annuity
UBS Financial Services
On a motion by Mrs. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the Committee
approved the Tax Sheltered Annuity Carrier of UBS Financial Services, Inc.
to our list of approved Tex Sheltered Annuities. The ayes have it.
Asst. Supt's. Job
The Committee received a draft Job Description for the Assistant Superintendent
and a copy of the previous one. The Superintendent asked them to take a look at it,
and he will put it on the agenda for the next meeting. Any questions, they should
call the Superintendent.
The Committee noted the following retirements:
Cafe Mgr: Lucille George
Paraprofessional: Patricia Manolakis
Bus Driver: Alan McLain
Sr. Custodian: Richard Young
The Committee noted the following resignations:
Paraprofessionals: Christine Galvin, Tiffany Su
Lunch Attendant: Kathleen Will
The Committee noted the following appointments:
Teachers: Shane Abboud, Kelly Arnstein, Miriam Arbeit, Valentina Atanassova, Diane Babcock, Susan Baker, Sabrina Berent, Alicia Bertrand, Nicole Boudreau, Rebecca Brumaghin, Christina Buccitelli, Robert Burke, James Camden, Thomas Casserly, Katie Connolly, Paul Conroy, Kimberly DeBello, Kimberly Delaney, Kimberly DeLisle, Kellie Desmond, Daniel Donoghue, David Egan, Heather Ewin, Nicole Fabrizio, John Fidalco, Laura Floor, Kellee Flynn, Joanne Fox, Donna Fuccillo, Kathleen Gainey, Teuta Hajirizaj, Elizabeth Hart, Leo Higgins, Allison Hodges, Michael Imhoff, Edward Holmes, Jane Jaehnig, Tamara Ioanilli, Kristopher Kenney, Andrew Joseph, Jennifer Kuhn, Randall Kerwin, Laura Latini, Patrick Losi, Erin Leahy, Emily Markarian, Jessica Lorman, Scott McGinn, Michael Marani, Leigh Moreno, Melissa Mastrorilli, Jacqueline Niosi, Jaclyn McKim, Jennifer Pickering, Colleen Nichol, Elizabeth Shorey, Bryan Norman, Colleen Smith, Paige Schmeling, Sgt. John Stephens, Eric Skidmore, Amanda Vinitsky, Gregory Somers, Joan White, Rena Tobias, Brendan Welch, Julia Wismar, Jo-Anna Goodwin
SPED Admin.: Richard Kelly
Guidance: Alicia Bertrand, Paula Galvin, Dzung Nguyen, Elizabeth Collura
Literacy Specialists: Elizabeth Collura, Katie Lynch
Occup. Therapist: Keri Johnson
Psychologist: Tary Nadeau
Lunch Attendant: Maureen Durgin
Executive Session
On a motion by Mrs. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Timmins, the Committee voted
to go into Executive Session at 10:32 p.m. for the purpose of negotiations. On a roll
call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0. They did not return to Open