Jan. 7, 2008 School Committee Organizational Meeting


Quincy, Massachusetts -January 7, 2008
Organizational Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Organizational Meeting

An Organizational Meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Monday, January 7, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. in the Marriott Quincy Hotel. The following members were present: Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Mr. David McCarthy, Mr. James Timmins, Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, and Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Chairman.

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The Secretary called the roll and all six members were present. Also present were Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary and Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk.

New Members Sworn In

The Chairman proceeded to swear in Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, and Mr. David McCarthy.

Vice Chairman

The Chairman asked for nominations for the Office of Vice Chairman of the School Committee. Mr. Jim Timmins nominated Mr. David McCarthy for the Office of Vice Chairman. Mrs. Dwyer seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, Mr. McCarthy was unanimously elected by a vote of 7-0.

Mr. McCarthy Accepts

Mr. McCarthy thanked his colleague for their confidence in him. He recognized Ms. Linda Stice, former Committee member, and Mr. Jim Timmins who will leave the Committee to become City Solicitor. The new Quincy High School is moving forward, work on Central Middle School will be moving forward, and Sterling will not be forgotten. The Committee will focus on student achievement. The Committee’s number one priority is small class size. Some of the programs he highlighted were the Business Partnership Program, Advanced Placement Program, Technology, Community Service and Title One.

The Vice Chair appointed Mrs. Dwyer to the Building Subcommittee, Mrs. Bragg to the Policy Subcommittee, Mrs. Mahoney to the Special Needs Subcommittee, Mr. Kevin Mulvey to the Budget Subcommittee, and he will be on the Health and Safety Committee until the open seat is filled. The focus this year will be on new health based programs within the high schools, drug abuse, alcohol, and to make sure our schools are always safe. The school system is in tremendous shape. He urged every parent to increase their participation in school life.

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The next order of business was the election of the Secretary to the School Committee. Mrs. Dwyer moved the nomination of Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, seconded by Mrs. Bragg. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.

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The nomination of the Clerk to the School Committee was the next item of business. Mrs. Mahoney placed in nomination the name of Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, and Mr. McCarthy seconded. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.

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On a motion duly made and seconded the Committee voted to adjourn for the day at 11:50 a.m.