Quincy School Committee
Budget & Finance Subcommittee
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
A meeting of the Budget & Finance Subcommittee was held on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 5:00 pm in
the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Ms. Barbara Isola, and
Mrs. Emily Lebo, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Deputy Superintendent
Kevin Mulvey, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Sara Dufour, Mr. James Mullaney, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr.
Kevin Segalla; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Mrs. Lebo called the Budget & Finance Subcommittee meeting to order at 5:00 pm. Director of
Business James Mullaney reviewed the Subsidized Services areas of the Quincy Public Schools budget.
The areas of Athletics, Building Rentals, Food Services, and Transportations partly operate under a
revolving account model, where receipts are used for specific expenses. For all four areas, the fees
are established by School Committee Policy.
For Food Services, rates are set by School Committee Policy, but are also subject to minimum meal
charges established by the National School Lunch Program. All Food Services staff are funded
through this revolving account with the exception of Lunch Attendants. The recommendation is to
retain current prices for breakfast for the 2017-2018 school year. To meet the minimum requirement
for meal charges, the recommendation is to increase the price of lunch at the elementary and middle
schools by $0.25 and for high school by $0.50.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to increase lunch prices at the elementary and middle school by $0.25
and at high school by $0.50 as recommended. The motion was seconded by Ms. Isola and on a voice
vote, the ayes have it.
Building Rental fees cover the Custodial salaries associated with the rentals as well as the building
utility costs. The recommendation is to retain the existing rate structure for the 2017-2018 school
year, with a sliding scale for Quincy youth groups, Quincy adult groups, and outside Quincy groups.
Mr. Bregoli asked about the drop in receipts, Mr. Mullaney said this is not attributable to any one
factor, fewer rental hours billed, so revenues will be about $15,000 less for FY2017.
Transportation fees are charged for students living within 1.5 miles of their neighborhood elementary
school and for field trips. Transportation fees are used to pay driver salaries and also maintenance.
Additional costs associated with transportation of Special Education students within and outside the
district, transporting students to neighborhood elementary schools beyond 1.5 miles from school,
and homeless students are carried in the Quincy Public Schools budget. The recommendation is to
retain the existing rate structure for the 2017-2018 school year. For the 2016-2017 school year, of the 537 students transported, 136 students paid transportation user fees. Students who are eligible
for free and reduced meals do not pay transportation fees.
The Athletics revolving account funding is from user fees and gate expenses. The recommendation is
to retain the existing fee structure for the 2017-2018 school year.
975 individual high school students (out of 2,623 total) participate in at least one sport (37%
participation overall). 106 students are three-sport athletes (4%) and 286 are two-sport athletes
(11%). At North Quincy High School, 32% of female students participate in at least one sport, 38% of
male students participate in at least one sport, for an average of 35% overall. At Quincy High School,
28% of female students participate in at least one sport, 48% of male students participate in at least
one sport, for an average of 38% overall.
Mrs. Lebo noted that there is an additional Budget & Finance Subcommittee meeting scheduled for
May 22. She asked School Committee to consider whether the meeting is needed.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 pm. Ms. Isola seconded the motion and
on a voice vote, the ayes have it.