Feb. 7, 2018 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Wednesday, February 7, 2018, 6:30 pm
Coddington Building

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting Minutes for January 24, 2018

II. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee. An individual may not exchange their time or yield to others.

III. Superintendent’s Report:

A. Inspire Quincy

B. High School Scholarships: Dr. Allan Yacubian

C. Student Recognitions: Project 351

D. Quincy School~Community Partnership Recognitions: Substance Use Education & Prevention

E. Kindergarten Registration, March 6

F. Pre-Kindergarten Program Screenings, March 6 & 13

G. Parent Academies Winter/Spring 2018
 * Family Nutrition Events in Partnership with South Shore Hospital

H. 2017-2018 Grant Booklet

I. Home-School Connections: Quincy High School’s Think, Work, Share Newsletter

J. Program Connections: Extended Education and Quincy School~Community Partnership

IV. Old Business:

A. 2018-2019 School Committee Meeting Calendar (Vote)

B. 2018-2019 School Year Calendar (Vote)

V. New Business:

A. Food Services Program - Ms. Dufour, Ms. Ginn

B. QPS Mentor Program - Ms. Roy, Mr. Hennessy

C. Budget Transfer Request - Mr. Mullaney

D. Overnight Travel (In State): June 6-8, 2018: Broad Meadows Middle School Grade 8 to Camp Wing, Duxbury, Massachusetts.  

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

A. Upcoming School Committee Meetings: March 7 and 21, 2018 (Coddington Building, 6:30 pm)

B. Upcoming Subcommittee Meetings (Wednesdays, Coddington Building):

1. Teaching & Learning: February 28 and March 28 at 6:00 pm
2. Athletics & Wellness: March 14 at 6:00 pm
3. Facilities, Security, Transportation: March 14 at 6:30 pm

VIII. Reports of Subcommittees:

1. Budget & Finance: Mrs. Hubley to report on the January 31, 2018 meeting.
2. Teaching & Learning: Mrs. Lebo to report on the January 31, 2018 meeting

IX. Executive Session: None  

X. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Athletics & Wellness

  1. Farm to School Referred at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee Meeting. Monitoring the Implementation Grant rollout, a collaboration of QPS and the Planning Department.

  2. Before School Exercise Programs Referred at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting. Monitoring the implementation of these programs across QPS.

  3. Substance Use Education & Prevention Referred at the September 6, 2017 Special School Committee Organizational Meeting. Monitoring of the system-wide initiatives for students and families and the collaboration with outside agencies.

  4. Wellness Programs Referred at the September 6, 2017 Special School Committee Organizational Meeting. Monitoring of the school-based and system-wide initiatives related to student and staff wellness.

  5. Evaluation of Coaches Referred at the September 6, 2017 Special School Committee Organizational Meeting. Requesting further discussion of process of formal review of coaches by the Athletic Directors.

Budget & Finance

Facilities, Security, and Transportation

  1. School Playgrounds Referred at the September 14, 2016 Special Meeting. Requesting an update from the Park Department on recent equipment and safety fiber upgrades and projects in planning.

  2. New Sterling Middle School project Referred at the September 14, 2016 Special Meeting. Schedule updates to be provided as the planning phase moves into construction.

  3. Water Testing Results & Repair Referred at the December 7, 2016 School Committee meeting to monitor the schedule for fixture repair or replacement.


  1. Graduation Requirements Referred to Subcommittee at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and discussed at the October 11, 2011 School Policy Subcommittee. The discussion centered around adding a fourth year of Math as a graduation requirement; the issue is tabled until more is known about the impact of the new Common Core Standards on the Massachusetts frameworks.

  2. Middle School Grading System Referred at the December 10, 2014 School Committee meeting for review and discussion.

  3. Voter Registration at the High Schools Referred at the September 16, 2015 School Committee meeting for discussion of implementation with the City Clerk’s Office.

  4. School Committee Policy Book Referred at the January 13, 2016 School Committee meeting for review and updating as needed.
    (a) Student Advisory Committee (Sections 1.2.3 & 10.7.2) referred at the October 25, 2017 School Committee Meeting.

  5. QPS Employment Opportunities Referred at the May 18, 2016 School Committee meeting for further discussion on the advertising and hiring process for open positions.

  6. NQHS Mascot Referred at the November 9, 2016 School Committee meeting.

  7. Extended School Day/Recess Scheduling Referred at the December 6, 2017 School Committee Meeting.

Rules, Post Audit & Oversight

Special Education

Teaching and Learning

  1. Advanced Program Pathways Referred at the May 20, 2015 School Committee Meeting to review opportunities to challenge above-level students at all grades.

  2. Enrollment Data/Class Size: Referred at the October 14, 2015 School Committee meeting for further review and discussion.

  3. Superintendent Evaluation Referred at the September 7, 2016 School Committee meeting for preparation and procedure review.

  4. Choral Music Program Review Referred at the March 15, 2017 School Committee meeting for further review and discussion of K-12 sequential/standards-based program.

  5. High School Mid-Term Examinations Referred at the June 14, 2017 School Committee meeting for further review and discussion.


Sterling Building Committee

School District Maps

Created at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting to review issues related to school district maps.


Quincy, Massachusetts – February 7, 2018
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at the Coddington Building at 6:30 p.m. Superintendent DeCristofaro called the roll and present were School Committee Chair Mayor Thomas Koch, Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. James DeAmicis, Mr. Douglas Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Vice Chair.

Vice Chair Presiding

Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk; Ms. Christine Barrett, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Sara Dufour, Ms. Sarah Ginn, Mr. Daniel Gilbert, Dr. Beth Hallett, Mr. James Hennessy, Mr. James Mullaney, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Erin Perkins, Ms. Jacqueline Principi, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla; and Quincy Education Association President Allison Cox.


Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 1.24.2018

Mrs. Hubley made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeAmicis to approve the revised Regular Meeting minutes for January 24, 2018 as presented. On a voice vote, ayes have it.


Open Forum

As no one wished to speak at Open Forum, School Committee moved onto the next item on the agenda.


Superintendent's Report

Dr. DeCristofaro opened the Superintendent’s Report with Inspire Quincy, featuring the Unique Week at Point Webster Middle School, Middle School Wrestling, Junior Eastern District Concert Choir Festival Medalists from Central Middle School, Project 351 Ambassadors, Norfolk County Sheriff Michael Bellotti and the Thompson Family support of Substance Abuse Prevention, and the Rural Lodge of Masons support of PBIS.

Broad Meadows Middle School Principal Dan Gilbert introduced the Project 351 Ambassadors present: Jacob Lustig from Broad Meadows and Brandon Pham from Point Webster. Amy Lien from Atlantic, Pablo Flores-Munoz from Central, and Doan Tran from Sterling are also Ambassadors who were unable to be present this evening. The Ambassadors recently completed their Project 351 Day of Service on January 28, where they and student Ambassadors from cities and towns all over Massachusetts performed community service.

Senior Director of Student Support Services Maura Papile recognized three School~Community Partners who support important Quincy Public Schools initiatives. The Rural Lodge of Masons has been a sponsor of the PBIS initiative from the beginning; Peter Thompson and Norfolk County Sheriff Michael Bellotti who have both supported the Substance Abuse Prevention.

Mayor Koch introduced Dr. Allan Yacubian, who has recently established a scholarship to benefit students from both Quincy and North Quincy High Schools. Mayor Koch said that Dr. Yacubian has been a generous donor over the years to both high schools and families in need. Dr. Yacubian said that the school system is wonderful and high performing and something to be proud of; he does not want discussion about Yakoo to detract from focus on curriculum and buildings. Dr. Yacubian said establishing the scholarships was the wish of his late brother Arthur Yacubian and recognizes students who have worked hard for their achievements. Mr. Bregoli noted that the scholarships are not related to Yakoo.

Dr. DeCristofaro announced that Kindergarten Registration will be held on Tuesday, March 6 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at all elementary school sites. PreKindergarten Program Screenings will be held on Tuesday, March 6 and Tuesday, March 13 at the Snug Harbor Community School and Della Chiesa Early Childhood Center, by appointment. The Lunar New Year Festival will be held on Sunday, February 11, 2018 at North Quincy High School sponsored by Quincy Asian Resources.

Dr. DeCristofaro noted that the Special Education Department has recently completed the Mid-Cycle Review with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and was found to be fully compliant with Special Education laws and regulations.

Upcoming Parent Academies include Family Nutrition Nights in collaboration with South Shore Hospital being held at: Point Webster Middle School on February 12, 2018; Bernazzani Elementary School on February 28, 2018; and Atlantic Middle School on March 6, 2018.

The 2017-2018 Grant Booklet was shared with School Committee, along with Home-School Connections from Quincy High School and Program Connections from Extended Education and the Quincy School-Community Partnership.


Old Business

2018-2019 School Committee Meeting Calendar & School Year Calendar (Vote)

Mr. DeAmicis made a motion to approve the School Committee Meeting Calendar for 2018-2019 as presented. Mr. Andronico seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mayor Koch was not present for the vote.

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to approve the School Year Calendar for 2018-2019 as presented. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mayor Koch was not present for the vote.

New Business

Food Services Program Update

Director of Food Services Sara Dufour and Assistant Director of Food Services Sarah Ginn presented a program update. Ms. Dufour reviewed her background in nutrition, wellness, and restaurants and responsibilities under the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Food and Nutrition guidelines. Ms. Ginn was previously an executive chef and volunteered with after school cooking programs. One of the Food Services initiatives underway centers around creating a recipe database to meet the complex nutritional requirements and the audit demands.

Ms. Dufour reviewed the five food group requirements: fruit, vegetables, grains, meat, and milk. There are weekly serving requirements to be met and there are subgroups within the food groups. There are financial reviews every three years, plus procurement and administrative audits every three years as well.

The Nutrislice app allows families to review breakfast and lunch menus online. In addition, information is shared with families through the Quincy Public Schools website Food Services pages.

Staff professional development involves trying new recipes and food samples. New equipment includes an automatic slicer and a new walk-in freezer at North Quincy High School. Two traveling salad bars have been purchased through the Farm to School grant and will be shared among the elementary schools.

The Food Services department is holding a logo design contest with the high school Graphic Design classes. The new logo will be used on menus, cafeteria signage, and staff aprons.

Looking forward, the staff are investigating new packing room equipment and working with the cafeteria managers on food tastings. The goal is to get students interested in different fruits and vegetables and grains. Studies show that engaging students through educational hands-on events is a means of reducing plate waste.

Mr. Gutro asked about the portable salad bars, these will be shared among the elementary schools in a six-week rotation. The middle and high schools have the ability to adapt their serving lines and training will be getting underway shortly to implement these.

Mrs. Hubley asked about availability of alternative meals when students don’t like the hot lunch offered. Ms. Dufour said the alternative lunches are cold-pack lunches which are popular so they are piloting a program at Merrymount where families can pre-order these lunches.

Mrs. Hubley said that at the high school level, students sometimes complain about the ketchup since it is low-sodium. Ms. Dufour said that is definitely much lower than most commercially available ketchup. The idea is that the students who are growing up with the new nutritional regulations will not have experienced these higher salt and sugar foods and become used to the tastes over time.Mrs. Hubley asked about chocolate milk and this is still available.

Mr. Bregoli asked if the elementary lunch containers are recyclable. Ms. Dufour said these are paper with a plastic lining and are recyclable, although we are not currently doing this. Ms. Dufour said that the plastic lining has to withstand being heated to 400 degrees and that new containers and equipment are being researched to accommodate the density of the foods now being served.

Mr. DeAmicis thanked Ms. Dufour and Ms. Ginn for their presentation and the food samples. He asked whether the detailed nutritional information was readily available for parents. Ms. Ginn said that the information is contained in the database for Food Services managers and is also available on the Nutrislice app.

Mr. DeAmicis asked about looking at food waste as a school system and the possibility of composting the food containers and utensils. Ms. Dufour said that Quincy Public Schools tries to avoid food waste by allowing choices and we have done some studies to prevent food waste. The school nurses have implemented share tables where students can “donate” unopened items such as fruit or vegetable packs or juice boxes. Mr. DeAmicis said it would be interesting to see this information by school and Ms. Dufour said this could be a project for an intern to look into.


New Business

Mentor Program Update

Senior Director of Curriculum Madeline Roy and Wollaston Elementary School Principal James Hennessy presented on the Mentor Program, over 40 mentors are working to welcome and support the newest members of the Quincy Public Schools staff. New staff members attend a two-day orientation in August where they meet key members of the Superintendent’s Leadership and Principal Teams and are introduced to the Mentor Program. Under the DESE standards for licensure, participation in an induction and mentoring program are a requirement for attaining Professional Licensure.

The Mentoring Team goals are to help new teachers improve their practice, learn professional responsibilities, and ultimately positively affect student learning. The mentoring process allows veteran teachers to reflect upon their own practices. The mentoring program helps unite the learning community as each individual works towards the goal of improving the quality of education. It also elevates the teaching profession and fosters a collaborative learning community for all educators.

The Mentor Planning Team is a cross-section of administrators and teachers from the elementary, middle, and high school levels. The Mentor Team meets four times over the course of the school year and features guest speakers and opportunities for small group discussions with principals and program directors and time for mentor-protégé collaboration.

The Mentor program is the beneficiary of generous support from the National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) which provides stipends for mentors and planning team members for their work above and beyond the school day. At the conclusion of the school year, there is a reflection based on exit surveys and the program evolves based on the requests of the teachers. Based on feedback, more technology training and supports have been added. DESE also requires a report be filed and it gives Quincy Public Schools feedback on other school systems responses.

Mrs. Lebo said this is a long-standing program and it is great to see how reflective and responsive the program has become.

Mr. Gutro asked whether the program extends beyond the first year and whether other staff members have mentoring programs. Ms. Roy said this program is for professional staff and that support staff have their own staff mentoring opportunities. Mr. Hennessy said this professional staff mentoring continues for three years, new teachers continue to meet with their mentors over this time but less formally.

Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Mr. Hennessy and Ms. Roy for their leadership, the mentoring is so beneficial for the Academic Classroom and Academic Program staff members.


New Business

Budget Transfer Request

Mr. Gutro made a motion to transfer $38,000.00 from the FY2018 Transportation budget line to the FY2018 Repairs & Maintenance budget line. Mayor Koch seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.


New Business

Overnight Travel (In-State)

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the June 6-8, 2018 Overnight Travel (InState) of Broad Meadows Middle School Grade 8 to Camp Wing, Duxbury, Massachusetts. The motion was seconded by Mr. DeAmicis and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Additional Business

There was no Additional Business.



Upcoming meetings were announced: Regular Meetings on March 7 and 21, 2018 at the Coddington Building at 6:30 pm.

Subcommittee Meetings: Teaching & Learning meetings on February 28 and March 28 at 6:00 pm. On March 14, 2018, the Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee will meet at 6:00 pm and the Facilities & Security Subcommittee will meet at 6:30 pm.


Reports of Subcommittees

Mrs. Lebo noted that all School Committee and Subcommittee meeting minutes are posted online at www.quincypublicschools.com.

Budget & Finance Subcommittee

Mrs. Hubley reviewed the Budget & Finance Subcommittee meeting held on January 31, 2018. Director of Business Affairs James Mullaney presented the FY2018 2nd Quarter Budget Report.

As there were no corrections, the meeting minutes for the January 31, 2018 Budget & Finance Subcommittee were approved as presented.


Teaching & Learning Subcommittee

Mrs. Lebo reviewed the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee meeting held on January 31, 2018. The meeting featured an update on the Elementary and Middle/High School Digital Learning Teams, preparations for the expansion of Computer-Based Testing to Grades 5 and 8 for this spring’s MCAS Administration of ELA, Mathematics, and Science/Technology; and an update on elementary Science Curriculum, middle school Advanced Science programs, and Dual Enrollment for High School.

Mrs. Lebo asked to have a presentation on the alignment of Technical standards with grade levels and curriculum areas as a follow up item.

As there were no corrections, the meeting minutes for the January 31, 2018 Teaching & Learning Subcommittee were approved as presented.


Executive Session

There was no Executive Session.



Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn for the evening at 8:30 p.m. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hubley and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.