Jan. 4, 2010 School Committee Org. Meeting


Quincy, Massachusetts -January 4, 2010
Organizational Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Organizational Meeting

An Organizational Meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on January 4, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in North Quincy High School. The following members were present: Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, Mr. David McCarthy, Mrs. Jo- Ann Bragg, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Ms. Barbara Isola and Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Chairman. Also present were Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary and Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk.

Chairman Presiding

New Members Sworn In

The Chairman proceeded to swear in Mrs. Emily Lebo, Ms. Barbara Isola, and Mrs. Anne Mahoney.

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Vice Chairman Elected

The Chairman asked for nominations for the Office of Vice Chairman of the School Committee. Mr. David McCarthy nominated Mrs. Anne Mahoney for the Office of Vice Chairman. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, Mrs. Mahoney was unanimously elected by a vote of 7-0.

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Mrs. Mahoney’s Address

Mrs. Mahoney thanked Mr. McCarthy, the outgoing Vice Chairman and her colleagues for their confidence in her. She recognized outgoing members, Ronald Mariano and Nicholas Puleo. She recognized the Superintendent and his team, the Quincy High School Culinary Arts students, ROTC, the custodians, Keith Segalla, and all those involved in the inauguration ceremony. She also recognized her nephew, Stephen Mulligan, a NQ graduate and a US Marine home from a tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Although our economy seems frozen and refusing to thaw, we are presented with real challenges to our school system. The good news is that this must eventually give way to warmer temperatures. This school committee will not only fight to protect established programs, but plan for a better day when we can retain and restore programs and lay the groundwork for more initiatives. Some groundwork for these initiatives has begun. The Central Building Committee has been formed. It is moving full speed ahead. Mrs. Mahoney promised to return attention to Sterling Middle School. It remains on the MSBA list of priority schools.

The Quincy high School project will be complete this fall. Mrs. Dwyer will remain on as Chairman of School Facilities Management Subcommittee.

We will work to establish a Reading Academy. We have made use of Stimulas Grant monies to build a foundation for this academy. Mrs. Emily Lebo will head up the Special Ed. Subcommittee.

Safety and Security of our buildings remains a critical concern. Mr. Dave McCarthy will head up the Health, Safety, and Security Subcommittee.

Over the last two years, our budget has been stretched to the limit and the upcoming reality of even less state and federal funds is frightening. Our immediate goals will be the same as the last two years – minimize the impact to our students and maintain our focus on small class size. It is important to constantly remind ourselves that managing the flow of resources that directly impact a child’s future isn’t just business and it certainly isn’t politics. It is a unique responsibility that I take seriously.

Another looming unknown is the proposed charter school and another blow to our budget is in the hands of the Board of Education. She thanked the Superintendent and his team, along with teachers, public officials and residents for making an honest and compelling argument against such a school. We proved that the Quincy Public School System is not an under- performing system.

She renewed efforts to work together with the Mayor and the City Council to weather the economic crisis. She will personally keep both the City Council President the head of the Education Subcommittee up to date on all objectives and timelines.

The school budget is running very lean and any reductions in funding will threaten teacher retention and class size. She pledged a new level of improved communications by using Channel 22 and our website.

Quincy Public Schools is a great school system. It is the reason why families stay in Quincy and the main reason Quincy was chosen as the #1 place to raise a family.

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On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Organizational Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The ayes have it.