Advanced Learning Opportunities at Quincy Public Schools
At Quincy Public Schools, we offer a range of advanced learning opportunities for students at many grade levels, designed to meet the needs of advanced learners and promote academic excellence:
Grades K-5:
Grade 4
Grade 4 enrichment takes place for 90 minutes, once per month, at all schools. Students are eligible if they are in the top 10% of students at their school, based on the most recent Grade 4 math and reading data.
Grade 5
Grade 5 Reach takes place once per week at all schools. Students are eligible for Grade 5 Reach if they are in the top 20% of students at their school, based on the most recent Grade 5 math and reading data.
For questions regarding enrichment for current grades 4 and 5 students, please contact Curriculum Coordinator Bridget Vaughan at [email protected].
Advanced Learning Opportunities in grades 6-8 are not connected to the Grade 5 Reach Program. Eligibility for these opportunities is listed below.
Grades 6-8:
In grades 6-8, there are enrichment and advanced opportunities at all schools, including Atlantic, Broad Meadows, Central, Point Webster and South West.
Please see descriptions below:
Advanced Coursework at All Schools
Students can be enrolled in advanced coursework in mathematics, science, and English language arts. All schools offer these courses in all grade levels. Eligibility is determined by your child’s school each fall.
Advanced Placement Center (APC) Program
APC is a smaller program comprising about 10% of identified advanced learners, citywide. Eligibility: 20% of grade 5 identified students take a screening test in verbal and quantitative reasoning in March. In May, letters are sent to families with results. Roughly 10% qualify for the APC program, but most others will take advanced coursework.
New students in grades 6-8: Once enrolled in QPS, to inquire about APC, please send documented evidence of scores at or above the 95th percentile on assessments such as the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), Stanford Achievement Test (SAT 10), or the Terra Nova to this form.
For questions regarding advanced learning opportunities in Grades 6-8, please contact Curriculum Director Michael Marani at [email protected].
High Schools
Advanced Placement Coursework in Grades 9-12
Our high schools offer a wide range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses across various subject areas, allowing students to engage in college-level coursework and earn college credit. AP courses are designed to challenge students and prepare them for the rigors of college. QPS is committed to ensuring that all students have access to these opportunities.
Advanced Placement (AP) at North Quincy High School
Advanced Placement (AP) at Quincy High School
Additional opportunities to earn college credits are available through our Early College High School (ECHS) Pathway, our dual enrollment program with Quincy College, and other dual enrollment agreements available through our Career, Vocational & Technical Education programs.